3176 Ridgeway Drive Mississauga (Western Business Park), Ontario L5L 5S7

全物业配备空调 Other


Award winning turnkey business! Canada's #1 Hydrographic shop & leader in custom automotive services. This profitable, full-service brand includes full ownership, dealership fees from several locations & exclusive contracts for supply sales. Boost your income with additional revenue from an automotive tenant leasing space in facility. The head office is a hub for hydro-dipping, custom painting, powder coating, chroming, tinting, ceramic coating, wrapping, bodywork, and more. With almost 4000 SqFt of space, 2 combined units, and major clients like Tim Hortons, Hudson's Bay, Sephora, Porsche & Toronto Raptors, this is a rare opportunity to take over a lucrative business with an outstanding reputation. Sale includes all essential equipment, materials and fixtures. (id:43681)


商业类型 Automobile
商业子类型 Automotive


MLS® Number W11906174
房源类型 商业物业
社区名字 Western Business Park

详 情

空调 全物业配备空调
供暖方式 天然气
供暖类型 Other
设备间 市政供水


土地深度 75 Ft
土地宽度 47 Ft ,11 In
不规则大小 Unit=47.92 X 75.08 Ft
规划描述 M2
