3 - 170 Bovaird Drive W Brampton (Northwest Sandalwood Parkway), Ontario L7A 0H3

2 浴室 5000 sqft
Partially Air Conditioned Other


*Assets Sale* Marble, Granite, Quartz and Porcelain Countertops, Fireplaces, Floors, Bathrooms, Kitchens fabrication and installation. Selling and Supplying Premium Quality material. Beautiful Showroom, Lots of samples and all machinery, computer, tables, chairs included. 2 Offices, Lockerroom and Lunchroom. Everything included. Amazing Revenue and Clientele! **** EXTRAS **** Lease term of 3 years remaining plus renewable another 5 years. Rent of $6,300 including TMI and HST. Tenant income of half of the rent - Half of warehouse leased to another company. This tenant can move out anytime. (id:43681)


商业类型 Manufacturing
商业子类型 Manufacturing/Warehouse


MLS® Number W7027830
房源类型 商业物业
社区名字 Northwest Sandalwood Parkway
特征 Crane

详 情

浴室 2
空调 Partially Air Conditioned
供暖方式 天然气
供暖类型 Other
内部尺寸 5000 Sqft
设备间 市政供水


土地深度 125 Ft
土地宽度 40 Ft
不规则大小 Unit=40 X 125 Ft
规划描述 M1
